
Katrina Long

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW#90147)

Life can be full of so much hurt, pain and challenges that cause us to feel out of control.  What would it be like to pause, breathe into your pain points, acknowledge where they show up in your body, explore them through language, energy, movement & art, give them voice, & make space to fall apart from the weight of it all if you need to? This may feel impossible or too scary right now….like if you allow yourself to feel it you’ll spiral too far, fall apart and never be able to come out of it or like you just simply don’t have the time.  I hear you…I see you…and like my clients, I’ve been there. You deserve to release and with the right guidance and support you can begin to find peace.

 My goal as your therapist is to create a safe environment for you to do just that while holding space for and witnessing all pieces of you that may come up. My work incorporates providing intuitive guidance , guiding you back into your own inner knowing and helping you to explore what healing looks like for you.

Client Focus
On the Blog

Happy Birthday Katrina!

Today I welcome in this next year of life with gratitude and so much joy! I’ve reengaged in my own healing journey in new ways,

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Meet Our Founder

It’s #NationalPsychotherapyDay (yup! there’s a day for therapist too!) Today we want to reintroduce our Founder, Katrina Long, and highlight all the work she does in

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