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8 tips for BIPOC navigating this election season

As we move through yet another emotionally charged election season, the toll on our mental and emotional health can feel overwhelming—especially for people of color, who often face the added weight of systemic issues and cultural challenges. It’s crucial during these times to prioritize self-care, ensuring we remain grounded, resilient, and ready to face what lies ahead.

In today’s post, we are offering a list of ways we as people of color can navigate this tough election season. Whether you’re actively engaged in political advocacy or simply trying to manage the anxiety that comes with it, these practices can help maintain balance.

1. Digital Detox for Peace of Mind

With the constant flow of political news, social media can quickly become overwhelming. Give yourself permission to step away from the screen. Schedule breaks from social media and news consumption to protect your mental health. Consider using apps or the timer on your phone to limit your time on platforms that may intensify anxiety. Disconnecting even for short periods can create much-needed space to recharge.

2. Create or Join Safe Spaces for Connection

It’s important to surround yourself with people who understand the unique stressors you face. Whether it’s through family, friends, or trusted communities, join spaces where you can vent, reflect, and receive emotional support without judgment. Virtual support groups specifically for people of color can provide an outlet for sharing concerns and offering solidarity during tough times.

3. Mindfulness and Meditation for Grounding

Practicing mindfulness or meditation is a powerful way to stay centered amid chaos. Guided meditation apps like Calm or Insight Timer offer easy-to-follow sessions designed to reduce anxiety and help you focus on the present moment. Deep breathing exercises can also alleviate stress—inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4, and exhale for 4. Even just five minutes a day can make a difference.

4. Stay Nourished, Inside and Out

Eating well can significantly impact your mental health. Focus on nourishing your body with balanced, healthy meals, and stay hydrated. Try to incorporate foods that boost mood and energy, like leafy greens, berries, and nuts. If possible, cook meals that remind you of home or cultural traditions to comfort your soul.

5. Creative Outlets to Express Emotions

Whether you enjoy painting, writing, dancing, or music, creative outlets provide a healthy way to express complex emotions. Use journaling to process your thoughts or reflect on your journey through this season. Explore artistic hobbies that bring joy and calm, allowing you to shift focus from external pressures to internal expression.

6. Engage in Meaningful Dialogue

While it can be difficult, engaging in conversations with people who hold different views can sometimes bridge divides. These respectful dialogues can help foster understanding and perhaps even find common ground. However, protect your energy—only engage when you feel emotionally ready, and don’t feel obligated to explain your existence or experiences to those who won’t listen.

7. Take Action Beyond the Election

Elections are important, but they’re just one part of a larger movement for progress. Stay engaged in activism, advocacy, and community organizing even after Election Day. Whether it’s holding elected officials accountable, pushing for legislative reform, or continuing community work, your involvement is essential for sustained change.

8. Seek Professional Support

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, consider seeking support from a mental health professional, ideally one who understands the unique experiences of people of color. Therapy is a valuable resource, especially when navigating racial trauma or the heightened emotions of an election season. Don’t hesitate to prioritize your mental health in this way. Book your free consultation call with one of our trauma, LBGTQ, and BIPOC-informed clinicians. Book Here!

Navigating this election season as a person of color can be tough, but you don’t have to navigate it alone or at the expense of your well-being. By prioritizing self-care, creating boundaries, and staying connected to supportive communities, you can maintain balance and resilience during this time.

Take care of yourself. Your voice, your mental health, and your presence matter more than ever.

Manifesting M.E Wellness


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